French Bulldog Love

The odds of me being able to get a Great Dane in a rental place in Minneapolis is probobly slim. I’ve decided instead to get a French Bulldog. So cute, wouldn’t you agree?

Happy Monday!

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5 thoughts on “French Bulldog Love

  1. Sar says:

    I want one too!

  2. Heather says:

    So jealous! I want one but my husband thinks its absurd to spend that much on a dog:(


  3. Lindsay Hackman says:

    OMG–how adorable is that?! I am trying to convince Nick that Bentley needs another dog sibling.

    • Erika says:

      He definitely does. Seems like it’s an easier sell than trying to convince Logan that even though we don’t know where we’ll be living this summer, we need a dog.

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